Tuesday, July 25, 2017


(If we can SPOT LIES, we can see examples of how errors happen and what holds humans back from good).

It's not about how well you can talk.
 This is not proper ministry... and the Bible confirms this type of misleading: "these people honor me with their lips, but there hearts are far from me" (Matthew 15:8 NIV). Personally, I'm interested in how you live and what you know from real life. I don't want to hear talkers "flap their gums." Talk that's not backed by action is phony. Show me faith with works; rather than dead faith, that is without works (James 2:17-18, bold type my emphasis). Tell me how you lost your belly-bulge, for example. Tell me how you changed your lifestyle. Prove to me that you understand how wealth can blind... Hardship is to be endured (2 Timothy 2:3 NKJV). Show me actual evidence of positive action in your life!

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Those who have much clout because they have money and elites in hierarchical positions and health authorities, disallow humans to feel serious sadness. Rather than allow real human emotion, it appears that proclaimed experts (and other dealers) would rather mask it and diagnose it and medicate it with prescription... and big pharma and the dealers deceivingly laugh their way to the bank. Unfortunately, nobody seems to talk much about the value of physical exercise for mental wellness - as well as fasting (fasting which seems to enable more purification and clarification). Emotional disconnection evidently facilitates misjudgment among those who are distant from suffering. By current standards, it seems unquestionably okay to launch a missile attack in Syria and bomb Afghanistan - but aren't leaders supposed to servants? Isn't that what Christ taught? Where is the example of real greatness, compassion and consideration, for others? Why would western leaders live in big and fancy mansions... or even palaces, and fine-dine while others live and die in poverty (and please do not overlook the disadvantaged and dying on in our own homelands)? I think it's time for western leaders to revisit what Gandhi achieved, wearing peasant clothes and doing persistent fasting (with water). If this is found to be too difficult, I think that fasting regularly, at least one day of the week, is a healthy start to emotional and spiritual connectivity and health. Time for the money-powerful fat cats to get off their "high horses," so to speak, and truly relate to regular people and those who are in need. Let people observe what you do... and how you live, if we are to truly give heed or merit to what you say. Remember that Gandhi's great action and self-realized agency brought merit to his words.