Sunday, July 24, 2016


Part of the problem in society is a tendency to listen to the wrong types of people. The question that should be asked to the wealthy few, politicians, religious leaders and privileged folk is: what do you know of hardship? In other words, in regards to homelessness and labour, for example - have you been there? If those who are in question haven't been there, they are likely not solidly equipped to be in such ministerial positions of power and control. The wise man builds his house on rock, according to Christ (Mt. 7:24). The improper foundation of misleading and unstable power must be exposed, more and more, in order to have enduring peace and unity. Leadership must be able to honestly relate to those who are underprivileged, so there are less divisions and society can function without fear.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


Ministry - at least relative ministry, is about helping people, not controlling them. Christ had compassion for the underprivileged (he was even homeless). Such consideration does not exclude compassion. To have compassion for others, you must have a good heart. Intuition will help, but having experiential understanding about how systems work - and fail to work, is also important. To have a good heart, you must realize, more and more, what's going on. Those who are well-off, rich or wealthy can lack understanding and compassion because systems and government are frequently in place to give advantage to those who are unfamiliar with poverty and even to those who benefit through exploitation. For example, companies can ruin the environment in the name of helping government make "more jobs." Mistreatment of newcomers also can be hidden as we celebrate "great diversity," while current citizens are unable to afford housing and have children.

"The Wealth of Nations," published a long time ago and written by Adam Smith, encouraged globalism. Maybe a new book should be called: Problems of Privilege. Confusion, deceit and the love of money must be exposed.  #Monetary