Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ministry should be volunteer. I would like to see government and religions run by volunteers only, rather than paid ministry. Paid ministry is not very spiritual. Instead, it is slack and unhealthy. Hardship is to be endured (2 Timothy 2:3, NKJV). Also, the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10). When it comes to ministry, the standard should be high - not low. Take away ministers' salaries. Make them work regular jobs. Then see if they care.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

He or she who has money, has power. Unfortunately, this power can be terribly unaccountable power. The careless rich can propagate immorality and an "anything for a buck" mindset. They make attempts to celebrate and advertise lower human nature with appeals to unhealthy tendencies such as greed, sexualization and instant gratification to achieve further control and human exploit for their own advantage. If people submit to their base natures they become manageable and easy to control. The extreme rich know this and can use Hollywood, the music industry and even newscasts and media to abuse their powers and spread ill will on the public. You can see that some people have quickly gone for the bait, hook, line and sinker. For example, just look at how driving a new and expensive car or truck can mislead people into making them feel as if they are somehow powerful and secure. The reality is that many people in rich cultures are materialistic and neglectful of their own health. I want to know if people can survive a single hour in the gym or an uphill walk because of a computer glitch in their vehicle, without dying.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Wealth is a world problem, more than poverty. The uncaring rich don't relate (although they might pretend to). They disregard people's health and dignity.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Assumed charities and sending missionaries off to foreign lands should be questioned. Are they doing "the Lord's work," or are they doing the work of governments? Do they care about their own kids (if they have kids)? Do they care about their own country? Why are there preferences for exotic places?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Can you imagine how the world could change if every pastor, priest and religious leader would say, "we are all wrong" and leave organized religion and get actual jobs... where strength, fitness and continuous sweating are involved? Insightful to think about this. Would they finally become men (or strong women)? Would they begin to learn to relate to actual pain and suffering? Would they better appreciate sport? Would they stop their talks of nonsense and do stuff like watch excellent hockey "live" on Sunday? Would they appreciate their fellow countrymen and women? Would they better understand rock music? There are so many things... Or would they break down and admit they had no business being ministers? Perhaps them becoming absolutely exposed is not so far away.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Poverty is often misunderstood. I say this: people can become weak when they're not allowed to be strong. They might be courageous, but if they are not allowed to be themselves - if they aren't given permission to express themselves, as indeed they should, their courage might be nothing but a joke in the eyes of many. Interestingly, a lot of bad stuff can happen because of fear. Also interestingly, a lot of good stuff can happen because of fear. The United Nations, for example, possibly (I say "possibly") gave the Pope a slight scare in exposing the pertaining matter of child abuse. The Pope should be scared. As an organization, the Catholic church should be held to account worldwide (leaders of the Church should be married men as the Bible teaches). Unfortunately, affixation to riches, abuse of power and love of control, are prevalent at the Vatican and in a number of nations who allow abuse of religion. The negative fear is an unhealthy type of fear: not having courage, being negligent, focus on materialism, loving riches and money, omitting virtues. But positive fear is healthy - it's about appreciation, examination, speaking appropriately, reflection, being careful as well as courageous, unassuming, but considerate. It involves virtue.

Friday, January 3, 2014

People not being allowed to be themselves (not being carefully supported where their strengths are, not being allowed to freely express themselves in the abilities that would be most positive for them) is a primary cause of ills, rather than "untreated mental illness."

Health ministry leaders should more deeply ask why people are anxious, dysfunctional, and depressed, rather than simply put blame on their God-made brains. Although it might be convenient to misdiagnose and put blame on something so intricate as the human brain, this approach is assuming, expedient, inconsiderate and a cause of great harms (poor health leads to people unable to work).

How about administering physical exercise, rather than numerous drugs?

Rather than put lots of money into pharmaceutical agenda, allowing a non-religious, neutral, facility, where physical activity, athleticism, nutrition and friendships are properly supported, could help enable persons who are neglected to live to their greater potential. 

Everybody needs some kind of exercise, even if their work is office work (in fact, these people probably need even more physical exercise than other kinds of workers).

Drug addicts especially, should be carefully encouraged to do demanding physical exercise.

The human brain and human body should not be insulted. Impoverished people should not be stripped from their mental dignity and active ability because of control-driven, profiteering, science or even government-supported (and also control-driven) religion.